There are feminists and then pseudo-feminists come along. Pseudo-feminism suggests that women deserve more respect, or people of other sexes do not deserve respect. Living in a culture where women face many challenges every day is the worst thing is that some people hurt the term feminism. On social media, hardly anyone knows about feminism and they end up being pseudo-feminist. Do pseudo-feminists really want equal treatment? No, they want to create a world governed only by women. Will a woman be getting away with any wrongdoing? Women on social media who identify themselves as feminists want equality and recognition for women they think to deserve it. They’re going to bash a woman if he’s their lesser wife or sister like a politician but they’re going to support a woman bashing that same political leader. Hypocrisy and pseudo-feminism get a melting pot here. 

Difference between feminism and pseudo feminism

A feminist might be a man, woman, or anyone who believes sex should not be a factor in deciding what women’s rights are. It is a concept that strives for gender equality; it seeks to make it so that women are given the same education, the same platform, and the same opportunities that a man has in his life. Also, it aims at eliminating the stereotyping of women who have been prevalent for ages. Women should not be forced to leave school early and marry, or do housework, or fit in more traditional roles. I think a lot of us are feminists without even realizing that. Pseudo-feminism is a term sometimes assigned to a branch of feminism with which some don’t agree. Very frequently, the definition of feminism is incorrect and cruel. As they claim, a few bad eggs ruin the pot, and people will sometimes use pseudo-feminist reasons to point out non-existent inconsistencies in the very idea of feminism. Supporting an idea and propagating it is one thing but spreading hatred and discord meaninglessly in its name would only destroy all the good that was done before in the name of that idea.

Pseudo-feminists are also labelled on the Internet as “feminazis” by keyboard warriors, they are individuals who do not completely grasp the definition of feminism and who try to find signs of injustice and violence even though there is none. Pseudo-feminists have managed to mutilate the definition of feminism from what it is to a brand of man-hate, seeking any opportunity to seek vengeance rather than equality. While they are biased in promoting their own cause, community, or sex, feminists seek equality rather than superiority. While spotting a pseudo-feminist or someone who doesn’t fully understand the concept of feminism isn’t extremely rare, it’s not common. All in all, we need to mature to the concept of gender equality and give women the opportunities they deserve, but what we don’t need is people spreading hate and unrest in the name of feminism. Therefore, we can say that Incomplete interpretation of a concept is a risky thing and in many ways, we have seen this, not just feminism. Half-knowledge is more dangerous than the very ignorance. Not every man out there is a rapist, stalking or staring at a woman out there. Feminism is a form of equal treatment; pseudo-feminism is a form of chauvinism. There is no benchmarking and no contest.

Feminism is a philosophy embraced by all logical and educated people around the world, but it is not a fair playing field when women in the garb of feminism target men and engage in the assassination of character. Throughout Indian culture many goddesses and in times of trouble we pray and look up to them. The ones who spread pseudo-feminism do more harm than good. Some people are always going to rise and stand up to champion women’s rights and women have to accept that to change society. Second, they have to understand that men are not bad and that the world has a small number of good people as well.

Feminism is a birthright and no one can take women away. A pseudofeminist desire is to create a world regime by only women who want to be treated equally as a feminist and want respect like any other human being. Many of the pseudo-feminists say men can’t be feminist but you know who is a feminist, a man, or a woman or a trans who believes in women’s equality. A Feminist is a father who treats his daughter and son fairly. A feminist is a husband who respects his wife to make her choices without imposing his choices/opinions on her. A transgendered woman who like any other human being wants equal treatment and respect is a feminist in a way.

Pseudo Feminism relates to women’s supremacy and men’s hatred. It’s not about equality, but revenge for the atrocities and the predominance and abuse that women face at the hands of society. But the most troubling fact is about how these pseudofeminists scout defects in all men do, finding ways to make them look bad, depicting them as suspects if nothing works for them or according to their choices, then playing the victim card and the outcome of this, is the same as that of Rahul’s suicide. Moreover, half-baked knowledge is worse than ignorance, so it is best to explain all the evidence before marking people with terms like a pervert so that all the hard work that has been done for decades to empower women so equality will not be destroyed.


                                                                    - ABHISHEK PRATAP SINGH 



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